Yesterday was a very big day for me. It had been 56 days since I left our tiny town to run errands. It had been that long because first I was sick with a very bad UTI and then I thought my IBS was getting worse only to find out I have celiac. So yesterday I finally was okay enough to go out! It was amazing! It had been so long and much needed. After we did running around, we decided to stop by this restaurant that is almost 100% GF. They have amazing reviews from fellow celiacs and thus we decided it would be our first GF dining out experience.
Well I was terrified. Completely terrified I was going to get glutened. I didn't eat until we got home just in case I got sick.
Well, it was DELICIOUS. And I didn't get sick! I am so glad to have the option of eating out again. I thought that was gone forever!
There it is! In all its delicious glory. :)
I'm so happy that you still have the option of eating out. *hugs*